Computational Challenges in Bioinformatics (2016–2017)

Peter Dawyndt, Jan Fostier · Universiteit Gent

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Exercise series

Week 09: Burrows–Wheeler transform

Title Class progress
BWT-based read mapping

Week 07: hidden Markov models

Solve the exercises of the HMM track on Rosalind. In the mean time, we will convert these exercises to Dodona with newly generated test cases and sometimes with some slight modifications to the problem statement. 24 hours before the deadline (next lecture) you will receive an email with the exercise whose solution you’ll have to present in class. You might find some inspiration about using HMM in the following Jupyter Notebook demos:

Title Class progress
Probability of a hidden path
Probability of an outcome given a hidden path
Viterbi decoding
Outcome likelihood
Title Class progress Status
Counting point mutations
Transitions and transversions
Consensus and profile
Creating a distance matrix
Pairwise global alignment
Suboptimal local alignment
Global multiple alignment
Edit distance
Edit distance alignment
Counting optimal alignments
Global alignment with scoring matrix
Global alignment with constant gap penalty
Local alignment with scoring matrix
Maximizing the gap symbols of an optimal alignment
Multiple alignment
Global alignment with scoring matrix and affine gap penalty
Overlap alignment
Semiglobal alignment
Local alignment with scoring matrix and affine gap penalty
Isolating symbols in alignments

Week 02: dynamic programming

The algorithmic notion of building up a solution to a problem by solving it on progressively larger cases.

Title Class progress Status
Rabbits and recurrence relations
Mortal Fibonacci rabbits
Title Class progress Status
Simple genome assembly