Statistiek: introductie tot R (2020–2021)

Lieven Clement · Universiteit Gent

Deze cursus is enkel voor studenten van de bachelor in de biologie, bachelor in de biochemie en biomedische wetenschappen, bachelor in de biomedische wetenschappen en de bachelor in de chemie en hoort bij de opleidingsonderdelen Statistiek en Inleiding tot de Biostatistiek. Andere geïnteresseerden kunnen zich inschrijven in de publieke cursus R Basics.

In this interactive course you will build a foundation in R and learn the basics to wrangle data. The course is based on the first part of the e-book Introduction to Data Science authored by Prof. Rafael Irizarry, Department of Data Sciences at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Department of Biostatistics Harvard School of Public Health.

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Exercise series

September 28, 2020 23:00

Title Class progress

Installing R and Rstudio
September 28, 2020 23:00

The instructions below include screen shots from the installation process in which we used the Chrome browser which, although not necessary, you can freely download and install from here:

Title Class progress
36.1 Installing R
36.2 Installing RStudio

1. Getting started with R and RStudio
September 28, 2020 23:00

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1.1. Why R?
1.2. The R console
1.3. Scripts
1.4. RStudio
1.5. Installing R packages

2. R Basics
September 28, 2020 23:00

In this book, we will be using the R software environment for all our analysis. You will learn R and data analysis techniques simultaneously. To follow along you will therefore need access to R. We also recommend the use of an integrated development environment (IDE), such as RStudio, to save your work. Note that it is common for a course or workshop to offer access to an R environment and an IDE through your web browser, as done by RStudio cloud. If you have access to such a resource, you don’t need to install R and RStudio. However, if you intend on becoming an advanced data analyst, we highly recommend installing these tools on your computer. Both R and RStudio are free and available online. We suggest to develop your code for the exercises in RStudio and to paste your script in dodona to evaluate them.

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2.1 Case study: US Gun Murders
2.2 The very basics
2.3.1. Sum of integers 1,...,100
2.3.2. Sum of integers 1,...,1000
2.3.3. Interpret code
2.3.4. Nested functions
2.3.5. Interpret code
2.4 Data types
2.5.1. Variables in a dataframe
2.5.2 Variable names
2.5.3 Examining Variables
2.5.4 Multiple ways to access variables
2.5.5 Factors
2.5.6 Tables
2.6 Vectors
2.7 Coercion
2.8.1-5. Vectors
2.8.6. Vector of numbers 12..73
2.8.7. Odd numbers
2.8.8. Length of a sequence
2.8.9. Class of seq(1, 10, 0.5)
2.8.10. Class of seq(1, 10)
2.8.11. 1 vs 1L
2.8.12. Vector cast
2.9 Sorting
2.10.1-4. Dataframes 1
2.10.5-6. Dataframes 2
2.10.7-8. NA
2.11 Vector arithmetics
2.12.1. Convert Temperatures
2.12.2. Vector Sum
2.12.3. Vector Mean
2.13 Indexing
2.14.1-5. Dataframe operations
2.14.6. Match function
2.14.7-8. Match operator
2.15 Basic plots
2.16.1. Scatter Plot
2.16.2. Histogram
2.16.3. Boxplot

3. Programming basics
October 07, 2020 23:00

We teach R because it greatly facilitates data analysis, the main topic of this book. By coding in R, we can efficiently perform exploratory data analysis, build data analysis pipelines, and prepare data visualization to communicate results. However, R is not just a data analysis environment but a programming language. Advanced R programmers can develop complex packages and even improve R itself, but we do not cover advanced programming in this book. Nonetheless, in this section, we introduce three key programming concepts: conditional expressions, for-loops, and functions. These are not just key building blocks for advanced programming, but are sometimes useful during data analysis. We also note that there are several functions that are widely used to program in R but that we will not cover in this book. These include split, cut,, and Reduce, as well as the data.table package. These are worth learning if you plan to become an expert R programmer.

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3.0 Introduction
3.1 Conditional expressions
3.2 Defining functions
3.3 Namespaces
3.4 For-loops
3.5 Vectorization and functionals
3.6.1 Conditional expression
3.6.2 Any and all
3.6.3 Conditional changes
3.6.4 Sum of the first n integers
3.6.5 Functions with multiple variables
3.6.6 Namespace
3.6.7-8 Sum of the first n squares (I)
3.6.9 Sum of the first n squares (II)
3.6.10 Sum of the first n squares (III)

4. The tidyverse
October 14, 2020 23:00

Up to now we have been manipulating vectors by reordering and subsetting them through indexing. However, once we start more advanced analyses, the preferred unit for data storage is not the vector but the data frame. In this chapter we learn to work directly with data frames, which greatly facilitate the organization of information. We will be using data frames for the majority of this book. We will focus on a specific data format referred to as tidy and on specific collection of packages that are particularly helpful for working with tidy data referred to as the tidyverse.

We can load all the tidyverse packages at once by installing and loading the tidyverse package:


We will learn how to implement the tidyverse approach throughout the book, but before delving into the details, in this chapter we introduce some of the most widely used tidyverse functionality, starting with the dplyr package for manipulating data frames and the purrr package for working with functions. Note that the tidyverse also includes a graphing package, ggplot2, which will be introduced in a later course on data visualization, the readr package discussed in Chapter 5; and many others. In this chapter, we first introduce the concept of tidy data and then demonstrate how we use the tidyverse to work with data frames in this format.

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4.1 Tidy data
4.2.1 CO2
4.2.2 Weight
4.2.3 BOD
4.3 Manipulating data frames
4.4.1-3. Dataframe column operations
4.4.4-6. Dataframe row operations
4.4.7. Dataframe mixed operations
4.5 The pipe: %>%
4.6.1 Pipes
4.7 Summarizing data
4.8 Sorting data frames
4.9.1. Summarizing
4.9.2. Grouping
4.9.3. Sorting
4.10 Tibbles
4.11 The dot operator
4.12 do
4.13 The purrr package
4.14 Tidyverse conditionals
4.15.1. Tibbles 1
4.15.2. Tibbles 2
4.15.3. Purrr

5. Importing Data
October 14, 2020 23:00

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5.0 Introduction
5.1 Paths and the working directory
5.2 The readr and readxl packages
5.3 Lost column headers
5.4 Downloading files
5.5 R-base importing functions
5.6 Text versus binary files
5.7 Unicode versus ASCII
5.8 Organizing data with spreadsheets
5.9.1 Spreadsheets 1
5.9.2 Spreadsheets 2

6. Introduction to data visualization
October 21, 2020 23:30

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6.0 Introduction to data visualization

7. ggplot2
October 21, 2020 23:30

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7.0 Introduction
7.1 The components of a graph
7.2 ggplot objects
7.3 Geometries
7.4 Aesthetic mappings
7.5 Layers
7.6 Global versus local aesthetic
7.7 Scales
7.8 Labels and titles
7.9 Categories as colors
7.10 Annotation, shapes, and adjustments
7.11 Add-on packages
7.12 Putting it all together
7.13 Quick plots with qplot
7.14 Grids of plots
7.15.1 GGPlot Exercise 1
7.15.3 GGPlot Exercise 3
7.15.4 GGPlot Exercise 4
7.15.5 GGPlot Exercise 5
7.15.6 GGPlot Exercise 6
7.15.7 GGPlot Exercise 7

8. Visualizing data distributions

Dit hoofdstuk van het boek wordt uitgebreid behandeld in het hoofdstuk 4. Data exploratie van de cursus Statistiek. We geven enkel het overzicht van verschillende nuttige ggplot-geometries voor de volledigheid.

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8.16 ggplot2 geometries

9. Data visualization in practice

Deze reeks bevat enkel leesopdrachten en kan een goeie inspiratiebron zijn voor het maken van plots. De reeks is optioneel.

In this chapter, we will demonstrate how relatively simple ggplot2 code can create insightful and aesthetically pleasing plots. As motivation we will create plots that help us better understand trends in world health and economics. We will implement what we learned in Chapters 7 and 8.16 and learn how to augment the code to perfect the plots. As we go through our case study, we will describe relevant general data visualization principles and learn concepts such as faceting, time series plots, transformations, and ridge plots.

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9.1. Case study: new insights on poverty
9.2. Scatterplots
9.3. Facetting
9.4. Time series plots
9.5. Data transformations
9.6. Visualizing multiple distributions with boxplots and ridge plots
9.7. The ecological fallacy and importance of showing the data

10. Data visualization principles

Deze reeks bevat interessante informatie over wat informatieve en niet-informatieve plots zijn. De reeks is optioneel.

We have already provided some rules to follow as we created plots for our examples. Here, we aim to provide some general principles we can use as a guide for effective data visualization. Much of this section is based on a talk by Karl Broman33 titled “Creating Effective Figures and Tables”34 and includes some of the figures which were made with code that Karl makes available on his GitHub repository35, as well as class notes from Peter Aldhous’ Introduction to Data Visualization course36. Following Karl’s approach, we show some examples of plot styles we should avoid, explain how to improve them, and use these as motivation for a list of principles. We compare and contrast plots that follow these principles to those that don’t.

The principles are mostly based on research related to how humans detect patterns and make visual comparisons. The preferred approaches are those that best fit the way our brains process visual information. When deciding on a visualization approach, it is also important to keep our goal in mind. We may be comparing a viewable number of quantities, describing distributions for categories or numeric values, comparing the data from two groups, or describing the relationship between two variables. As a final note, we want to emphasize that for a data scientist it is important to adapt and optimize graphs to the audience. For example, an exploratory plot made for ourselves will be different than a chart intended to communicate a finding to a general audience.

We will be using these libraries:

Title Class progress Status
10.1. Encoding data using visual cues
10.2. Know when to include 0
10.3. Do not distort quantities
10.4. Order categories by a meaningful value
10.5. Show the data
10.6. Ease comparisons
10.7. Think of the color blind
10.8. Plots for two variables
10.9. Encoding a third variable
10.10. Avoid pseudo-three-dimensional plots
10.11. Avoid too many significant digits
10.12. Know your audience
10.13.1. Bad Plots
10.13.2. Reordering
10.13.3. Boxplot of Murder Rates
10.13.4. 3D Plots
10.14. Case study: vaccines and infectious diseases
10.15.1. Smallpox Tileplot
10.15.2. Smallpox Time Series
10.15.3. Comparing Diseases