Luchtkwaliteit in Gent

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# Data inlezen van de Intergewestelijke Cel voor het Leefmilieu locaties <- c("BETR701" = "Baudelo", "BETR702" = "Afrit Zuid", "BETR710" = "Nachtegaalstadion", "BETR716" = "Bourgoyen") data <- read.csv2("", sep=",", colClasses = c("NULL", "character", "NULL", "character", "NULL", "numeric", rep("NULL", 2)) ) data <- data[data$ab_eoi_code %in% c("BETR701", "BETR702", "BETR710", "BETR716"), ] colnames(data) <- c("locatie", "datum", "waarde") data$locatie <- locaties[data$locatie] rownames(data) <- seq_len(nrow(data)) # Beantwoord hieronder de vragen
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