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-- Vul het begin van deze query aan ('Joseph', 'Acaba', 'United States'), ('Viktor', 'Glover', 'United States'), ('Richard', 'Arnold', 'United States'), ('Michael', 'Hopkins', 'United States'), ('Vladimir', 'Aksyonov', 'Russia'), ('Andrew', 'Allen', 'United States'), ('Clayton', 'Anderson', 'United States'), ('Daniel', 'Barry', 'United States'), ('Georgi', 'Beregovoi', 'Russia'), ('Anatoli', 'Berezovoy', 'Russia'), ('Michael', 'Barratt', 'United States'), ('Christopher', 'Cassidy', 'United States'), ('Michael', 'Fossum', 'United States'), ('Scott', 'Kelly', 'United States'), ('Anne', 'McClain', 'United States'), ('Rex', 'Walheim', 'United States'), ('Frank', 'Winne, de', 'Belgium'), ('André', 'Kuipers', 'Netherlands'), ('Luca', 'Parmitano', 'Italy'), ('Sergei', 'Krikalev', 'Russia'), ('Elena', 'Serova', 'Russia'), ('Yurchikhin', 'Nikolayevich', 'Russia');
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